Welcome to the IPFW Summer Film blog. Post your observations and comments on this blog. You should have received a link from me to register for it. If you haven't let me know. You'll need to register to post your panel presentation and comments.
Your posts should be thoughtful and engaged. You needn't be formal, but do make it as readable as possible--and polite.
You can comment on the various posts by clicking the "comment" link at the bottom of the posts. If you're in the course, you'll need to sign up for a gmail account so that your posts will be identified.
Notice in the left margin you can easily link the blog to your favored reader (through the RSS feed) or to Facebook (please put your comments, however, on the blog itself).
Food Film Syllabus
Your posts should be thoughtful and engaged. You needn't be formal, but do make it as readable as possible--and polite.
You can comment on the various posts by clicking the "comment" link at the bottom of the posts. If you're in the course, you'll need to sign up for a gmail account so that your posts will be identified.
Notice in the left margin you can easily link the blog to your favored reader (through the RSS feed) or to Facebook (please put your comments, however, on the blog itself).
Food Film Syllabus
Prof. Kaufmann, is this where we are supposed to create all our blogs? I'm a little confused on how these blogs are supposed to work. Thanks for the help!