Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Food and Corporality

Food Films often meditate on the contradiction between the corporality of food, its fleshly substance, and its emotional or even spiritual effect.  We discussed it in regard to Tita's Quails in Rose Petal Sauce, where she sends a message to Pedro of her love through her food.  Their first intercourse one could say, here gender reversed according to the usual male/female positions.

Do we see other instances of this in the film?


  1. We see that Gertrude has a gender role reversed when she returns home as the General of the Revolutionists. Maybe in some way the food that she benefited also allowed for her to rebel just like Tita rebelled against her mother's wishes when she said burn the flowers but instead cooked with them. Just an interesting observation.

  2. Gertrude, was the only one who changed gender roles. Everyone played their gender. Women put love in their food, when the man that they love is about to eat it. So, it only makes sense that their was so much love in that meal. It also, opened the "floor" up to secret that they have been hiding.

  3. Gertrudis is the drastic reversal, but one could note Tita's spiritual penetration of Pedro through her food as a reversal of a more subtle sort.

  4. I think that another example of this is when she was crying while making dinner and then all of the guests who ate that dinner started crying and even physical got sick. I would say that the reason that they go sick was not because of the food but because of their sadness. They were so upset that it physically made them sick.
